Better Balancer yield,

with yBAL.

yBAL is Yearn’s liquid veBAL wrapper system. yBAL shares the same mechanics as yCRV but adapted to work within the Balancer ecosystem. (Our naming guys probably aren’t getting a raise this year).

yBAL offers users the best risk-adjusted yields with the same simple auto harvesting and auto-compounding features that Yearn is known (and loved) for.

People always ask yBAL

never how BAL?

Users can mint yBAL tokens by locking their 80-20 BAL-WETH tokens to Yearn’s whitelisted voter (but pls note: this action is irreversible. Once a user mints there is no way to redeem, as the overall position is continually re-locked).

Once minted, yBAL can be staked into (you guessed it) st-yBAL for more yield. Or you can provide liquidity with (you guessed it) lp-yBAL for… more yield.

Users can use the yBAL UI to swap between yBAL ecosystem tokens at will, so if one token is earning more yield than the other you don’t have to miss out.

Let’s talk yield

With yBAL users get auto compounded yield for that lovely passive hands off yield feeling. The source of this yield is from various tokens, but Yearn’s automated process take care of selling each of these tokens and compounding it back into yBAL to increase the users position. TLDR, you can relax while Yearn smart contracts do the heavy lifting.

yBAL also optimizes gauge voting to further maximize the yield that flows to st-yBAL, which is streamed along with the protocol fee revenue earned by Yearn’s voter position. More yield for you, without having to lift a finger.

Contract corner

The yBAL ecosystem is powered by smart contracts; programs that run on blockchains (in yBAL’s case Ethereum) with transparent functions that can be read by anyone. It wouldn't be open and transparent finance if we didn't let you check out our contracts. Go ahead and peek anon, it's ok.

Zap: 0x01D7f32B6E463c96c00575fA97B8224326C6A6B9

yBal: 0x98E86Ed5b0E48734430BfBe92101156C75418cad

st-yBal: 0xc09cfb625e586B117282399433257a1C0841edf3

lp-yBal: 0xD725F5742047B4B4A3110D0b38284227fcaB041e

Don’t get

caught slippin’

Slippage is set to 1% and hidden by default to streamline the experience for the average user.

For advanced apes users worried about MEV we advise using SecureRpc.

If the above sentence causes your brain to wrinkle and eyes to glaze over, then you do not need to worry about this step.



Configure the default settings for this application, such as the yDaemon API base URI and the default network.